Fiction is organized by length with the genre following in italics. My comedic nonfiction and robot of the month club are under the Flash Fiction section.
SHORT STORIES (These start at around 2,000 words.)
Johari Window - Two children set adrift in space must find their way. science-fiction
The Northwest Corner - A surprising offer reveals something long hidden. horror
Family - What is a family?
The Dark Lord - Who will take control when the Dark Lord falls? fantasy, comedy
CHAPTER ONE (Pages from a book I haven't gotten around to finishing yet.)
In Which Frank Wakes Up - Frank doesn't remember last night.
Incident Report #77A-1 - Fighting an alien host, a man makes a dangerous choice. science-fiction
I'll Just Disappear - Isaiah Lewis falls into invisibility. young-adult, science-fiction
Charlie Thomas's Almost Life - Charlie Thomas is the universe's kickball. young-adult
The Demon Dhamer - Daniel Ellsworth has a visitor in his bath tub. fantasy
FLASH FICTION (Little darlings from 0 to 1,500 or so.)
Keeping a Pet - There is a dog chained in a yard.
The Big Day - It was the sort of day a man never forgets.
Pet Peeves - It's the little things.
Valentine's Day - This one goes out to all the hopeless romantics.
Anterior - anterior, adj.: nearer to the front, esp. of the head
Toast - Where the inconsequential becomes the irreversible. comedy
Next - Struggling with the muse. horror
The World I Used to Know - Learn gratitude while you can.
The Pursuit: A Letter - You are not who you were when you started this sentence.
Drive - What is life, when you boil it down to the essentials?
There Are Only Three Ways to Die - Counting down to the end. horror
I've Invented a Machine that Shows You How You Will Die - Just lie back. We'll begin shortly. science-fiction, horror
That Time - Hunger pushes one man too far.
The Cost of Sweetness - Cane sugar is healthier and more environmentally friendly than high fructose corn syrup. horror
Intelligent Technology - Empty? No, never empty - full of air! horror
COMEDY (A highlights reel.)
Choose Your Own Adventure - Proponents of predestination need not apply.
My Mother The Inventress - Reinventing the world from inside a bubble.
Watch Instantly - In the heart of Netflix, strange eddies swirl.
Epic Fail (The TV Story) - If FAIL was a god, what would its avatar look like?
When Life Hands You Squirrels - An extraordinary day for one tree dwelling mammal.
How to Handle Phone Calls - Does the sound of a phone ringing make you soil yourself?
New Fear #78 Coulromoichephobia - If you are afraid of clowns AND adultery.
Lunchables: A Review - What happens when you put a Lunchable in an adult mouth?
The Neti Pot: A Review - "Neti Pots" should be renamed "lie in a box."
How Minecraft Saved My Life - Because occasionally, the world works the way I was told it would.
ROBOTS (A monthly series on paper robots.)
March's Robot - Military minded.
February's Robot - Mechanized infiltration.
January's Robot - A red conqueror.